We Can See the Sea (and our future)
After a solid ten months working on Twinkle Toes, it’s time that she climbed onto the In Bed With My Brother shelf, and was stored till later notice. We have not finished with Twinkle Toes, oh no. But have found ourselves in a good place with her – like a best friend; we know her through and through, have struggled sometimes to make her better but now we know she’ll be alright without us for while.
So what? Well we’ve come to Sidmouth (if you don’t know Devon – it’s an incredibly beautiful town on the Jurassic cost and the beach is….oh god so good) and we’re thinking. About what we’ve done and what we want to do next.
Reflecting on Twinkle Toes, often feels odd. It seems the show never stayed still enough for us to grasp what it was - then, now, later. Not that changing, tweeking and altering the show is a bad thing, for us it has proved extremely worthwhile. From a disused toilet, to a set one-woman narrative in London, to Brighton with a whole new soundtrack featuring Nora and Dora in leather trousers to here. Twinkle Toes is stripped back to where it should be – a clown and her audience – investigating the ridiculous state we place ourselves in as performers, and as women. Discovering that we needed less of us, and more of the audience,
charged the piece with spontaneity, energy and Liveness. You can make the audience give you a standing ovation if you ask them and make them – and they are going to have to do it.
We’ve overcoming technical feats, we never thought possible – Nora has become a wiz a Final Cut Pro and film editing. Whilst, Dora discovered her hidden talent for music producing and sound warping. Meanwhile, Kat has learnt how to break a VHS player by just putting the tape in.
Our journey around different ideas, concepts, framings for Twinkle Toes has been exhausting. There have been stupid ideas – like really stupid and not even remotely entertaining ideas, to genius moments. Highs and lows.
Tragic-drunken-arguing-fighting-acutally-physically-fighting-lows, to great highs (sometimes legal). We’re proud of Twinkle Toes. It is finally a presentable piece that has been considered and developed. And time is exactly what she needed. Well done all of us – especially you Kat, you lunatic, wiggly armed clown.
So Goodbye Twinkle Toes, not forever (well I mean depending on if we can be bothered, our financial situation and our massive social lives etc etc). No but seriously, she’ll be back.
Now just imagine us in Sidmouth – staring out across the ocean.